Use The Goal Tracker 2.0 Template To Achieve Success

The Goal Tracker 2.0

To achieve your goal, you need to set the right goal, then, you have to work towards that goal daily, occasionally checking to make sure you’re headed in the right direction.

It’s that daily work and progress checking that makes your goal a reality. But how are you supposed to know whether your work is paying off? How to keep track of all the little things that will make that one big thing possible?

The Goal Tracker 2.0 takes care of all that for you.

The Goal Tracker 2.0 is a goal tracker template on Excel and Google Sheets that makes tracking your progress a breeze.

You can use it to track your personal goals, work goals, study goals, fitness goals, or any other goals you have.

Enter your goal, milestones, and tasks, and the Goal Tracker will tell you how much you’ve done and how much is left. You can see what your progress is on all your tasks.

Get Your Goal Tracker 2.0 (Excel/Google Sheets)


The Goal Tracker 2.0

Video Tutorial

If you prefer a visual demonstration, here’s a video tutorial.

Getting Started

When you first open the Excel Habit Tracker, you’ll probably see a security warning dialog box. Click “Enable Content”, since that’s required for the goal tracker to work.

Security Warning

Start by entering your goal in the Goal Tracker 2.0 followed by additional details, how you will measure your goal, your starting point, and your deadline.

setting your goal - goal tracker

Adding your tasks

In the next section of the Goals & Tasks tab, add your tasks. These are the main things you need to get done to achieve your goal.

You can add up to 35 tasks.

Next, set the task priority from the drop-down menu; 1 is the lowest priority and 4 is the highest.

Afterward, add your start date and the deadline for those tasks. The deadline cell will be:

  • yellow if your deadline is within the next week
  • red if your deadline has passed
  • green if you’ve met your deadline
  • light green if you completed the task after the deadline

Don’t change the Completed and Status columns as these are updated based on the Subtasks sheet.

The Subtasks sheet

The next sheet is the Subtasks sheet. Use this tab to break down your tasks to smaller tasks.

First, add your subtasks under each task. Then, from the drop-down menu in the next column, choose 0 if you haven’t completed the task yet or 1 if you’re done with that task.

The Milestone SHeet

This is where you set your milestones and what rewards you will give yourself once you complete them.

Add your achievement date and see your milestones in the Milestone Timeline chart.

The Progress Tracker

This is where you can see your progress.

The Goal Completion chart shows you what percentage of your goal is completed.

Underneath that chart, you can see the completion percentage of each task individually. To select a task, use the drop-down menu.

Goal Completion Chart

The next chart shows you the duration of your tasks in days.

The Climb the Mountain Chart shows you your progress on all your charts in a motivating way. The tasks rise to the mountain surface as you complete the task.

To update this chart in Excel, click the ‘Update Mountain Chart’ button above the chart.

If you have any questions that weren’t answered here, feel free to contact me.

Get Your Goal Tracker 2.0 Now

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Use The Goal Tracker 2.0 Template To Achieve Success