Be a Verb, Not a Noun

Be a verb not a noun

Nouns are misleading. Nouns distort your perception. 

They take an exciting fast-paced action and turn it into a static, bland ‘thing’.

Especially those pesky, action nouns like ‘dance’ and ‘writing’.

You can attend a dance without ever getting your boogie on. You can have writing without ever putting pen to paper.

Your talk is a noun. You do a lot of that. Talking about your goals (n.) and your aspirations (n.)

My problem with nouns is that they don’t accomplish anything.

Your life is made up of verbs.

Be a Verb. Not a Noun.

To live is to do.

Yet, so many choose to remain inert.

They dream of movement and progress.

But when it comes to action, the verb they choose is ‘to talk’.

Some will go a step further and jump onto the verb ‘to plan’.

Then, they run right back to their beloved stationary nouns.

Seldom do you find people who embody verbs. Those who not only embrace them but become them.

They didn’t believe it when the Oxford dictionary told them that life is a noun.

They refuted the absurdity of the idea that their years of life full of exhilarating adventures and fond memories could lie in the belly of a noun.

You and me both know how hard living through action can be, though.

Action requires energy and we have so little of that already.

Action requires time, effort and attention. All of which we choose to spend elsewhere.

To live through verbs means you push through the forces that aim to hold you back. The most powerful force of all being yourself.

Self-discipline is a Verb

Yet, people trying to learn it treat it like a noun. Something you read in books and practice on paper.

Self-discipline has always been an action.

To be self-disciplined means to act even when every fiber in your body is dissuading you.

It’s not easy, which is why so many people live without it.

They are guided through life by the whims of their mood or emotions.

Relying on this ever-changing drive is the reason they fail.

In the morning, they’re motivated. When it’s time to grind, they’re not.

“Bye-bye to that goal. Time to set a new one.”

The only way to boost your self-discipline is through action. It is to push yourself each and every day to do the tasks that need to be done. Even if you hate them. Even if they are time-consuming. Even if you’re tired.

Self-discipline is an everyday task. And it starts today by doing the things you’ve been procrastinating.

Take the Self-Discipline Assessment to discover how self-disciplined you are.

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Be a Verb, Not a Noun